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1 - Tasks


2 - Schedules

Holds a collection of schedules. Schedules are executed by a scheduler service.
Schedule can bse used for different use cases.
The most famous one is turn ON a light at specific time and turn OFF a light at a specific time.
But in MyController it is not limited to lights. You can control variety of resources.

Schedule has a different sections. All the sections are explained here.


Form View

id and description

id: my_first_schedule # (1)
description: This is my first schedule # (2)
enabled: true # (3)
  1. id - should be a unique identifier
  2. description - add description about this schedule
  3. enabled - enable/disable this schedule


You can add any number of labels. Labels can be used to filter a group of schedule.
Labels can be used to perform an action on a group schedules.

Form View


  group: essential


Validity is a special feature. You can control when this schedule should be effective.
All the fields are optional. By omitting a field gives different meanings

To get activate this feature validity should be enabled

Date and Time

Based on the given fields, validity reacts as follows,

  • If non of the fields entered - valid for all the time.

  • date.from - schedule will be valid from the given from date.
    There is no from time entered here, but from date is available. Hence from.time will be calculated as 00:00:00
    Example: 2021-09-16 becomes 2021-09-16 00:00:00

  • - schedule will be valid till the given to date.
    There is no to time entered here, but to date is available. Hence to.time will be calculated as 23:59:59
    Example: 2021-09-24 becomes 2021-09-24 23:59:59

  • date.from, time.from - schedule will be valid from the given from date and from time.

  •, - schedule will be valid till the given to date and to time.

  • date.from,, time.from, - schedule can be valid between the from date/time ~ to date/time.

  • validateTimeEveryday => Disabled - valid exactly from date/time ~ to date/time.
    Example: 2021-09-16 11:15:00 to 2021-09-24 19:00:00

  • validateTimeEveryday => Enabled - between these date and the time valid for every day.
    Example: between2021-09-16 to 2021-09-24 - time is valid for every day between 11:15:00 to 19:00:00

Form View


  enabled: true
    from: '2021-05-14'
    to: '2021-06-21'
    from: '00:00'
    to: '23:59'
  validateTimeEveryday: false

Schedule Type

Schedule supports different types.


Repeat is a super simple schedule.

  • Executes the schedule on the specified interval till it reaches the repeat count.
  • Set repeat count to 0 to keep on repeating.


Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems.
In MyController in addition to that, it supports seconds field.
Refer Cron wikipedia page to know more about cron.

┌───────────── second (0 - 59)
| ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
│ | ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ | │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
│ | │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
│ | │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday;7 is also Sunday on some systems)
│ | │ │ │ │                                   
│ | │ │ │ │
│ | │ │ │ │
* * * * * *

The first field second is optional, you can omit it.
Also supports @yearly, @monthly, @weekly, @daily (or @midnight), @hourly


Simple is a friendly schedule type.
It supports different type of frequencies.

Schedule executes on the specified time, if the day meets the specified frequency.
Time can be specified in the format of hh:mm:ss. hours should be in 24 hours format

  • 05:00:00 - 5 AM
  • 12:30:20 - 12:30:20 PM
  • 17:15:00 - 5:15 PM

Frequency - Daily

In this mode you can restrict the schedule to the selected week days.

  • Possible select multiple days of a week.
  • Schedule executes on the selected days of the week.

Frequency - Weekly

In this mode you can restrict the schedule to particular week day.

  • Select a day in week.
  • Schedule executes on the selected day of the week.
  • In simple words, only once in a week.

Frequency - Monthly

In this mode you can restrict the schedule to particular day of month.

  • Select a date in a month
  • Schedule executes on the selected date of the month
  • In simple words, only once in a month

Frequency - On Date

In this mode you can restrict the schedule to particular date and time.

  • This schedule executes only once in a life time.


Sunrise works similar to Simple schedule, expect the time part.
Here explained only about the time part. refer Simple schedule for other options.

Based on the GEO Location configured for the system, Sunrise time will be calculated. This calculation happens every day at midnight of the system timezone.


Offset used to calculate the exact time to execute the schedule.
Offset is a time duration. Refer duration guide for the detailed information.


  • 10m - executes 10 minutes after the sunrise time
  • -10m - executes 10 minutes before the sunrise time
  • 1h20m - executes 1 hour and 20 minutes after the sunrise time
  • -1h20m - executes 1 hour and 20 minutes before the sunrise time


Sunset works similar to Simple schedule, expect the time part.
Here explained only about the time part. refer Simple schedule for other options.

Based on the GEO Location configured for the system, Sunset time will be calculated. This calculation happens every day at midnight of the system timezone.


Offset used to calculate the exact time to execute the schedule.
Offset is a time duration. Refer duration guide for the detailed information.


  • 10m - executes 10 minutes after the sunset time
  • -10m - executes 10 minutes before the sunset time
  • 1h20m - executes 1 hour and 20 minutes after the sunset time
  • -1h20m - executes 1 hour and 20 minutes before the sunset time

Load variables

Load variables is an optional configuration.
Follow Load Variables Guide for the detailed configuration.

Use variables when you want to,

Load Custom Variables

Sometimes you may want to do some calculations or based on a value you want to set something, In those cases Load Custom Variables will be used.


  • None
  • Javascript
  • Webhook


Whe you do not want to use Load Custom Variables feature, use None option.


Follow Javascript Guide for the details.


Follow Webhook Guide for the details.

Parameters to Handler

Follow Parameters to Handlers Guide for the detailed configuration.

Notify Handlers

Follow Notify Handlers Guide for the detailed configuration.

3 - Handlers

Handlers are performing an action based on the input parameters.
Different type of handlers supported by MyController.
Handler is a plugin component.

Type of Handlers

Noop Handler

Noop is a No Operation handler. It does nothing.
The idea behind Noop handler is, in the future plan to introduce hidden handlers externally.
Right now, there is no use.

Resource Handler

Resource handler sends payload to the nodes, performs an actions on resource, operation, etc.,

Email Handler

Sends email to the recipients. Supports smtp server.

Form View

email handler

type: email # (1)
  host: # (2)
  port: 465 # (3)
  insecureSkipVerify: true # (4)
  username: # (5)
  password: mypassword # (6)
  fromEmail: # (7)
  toEmails:, # (8)
  1. type should be selected as email
  2. host - email server host
  3. port - email server port
  4. insecureSkipVerify - enables/disables insecure
  5. username of the account
  6. password of the account
  7. fromEmail from email address
  8. toEmails to emails list comma separated

Telegram Handler

Sends telegram message to persons and/or groups.
Follow this guide to get the telegram token, chat_id and group_id

Form View

telegram handler

type: telegram # (1)
  token: 500000000:AAHKsdsdckwendlwwqNKJBmbjknm9jA # (2)
  chatIds: # (3)
    - '200000000'
    - '300000000'
  1. type should be selected as telegram
  2. token of the telegram account
  3. chatIds - list of chat ids or group ids

Backup Handler

Backup handler performs backup operation and keeps the backup archives at the specified target location

Form View

backup handler

type: backup # (1)
  providerType: disk # (2)
    storageExportType: yaml # (3)
    targetDirectory: /mc_home/backups/ # (4)
    prefix: primary # (5)
    retentionCount: 10 # (6)
  1. type should be selected as backup
  2. providerType should be selected as disk. Only this provider supported now
  3. storageExportType - storage database data will be exported in this format. options: yaml, json
  4. targetDirectory - location to keep the backup archives
  5. prefix of the backup file
  6. retentionCount - If the number of backup archives goes beyond this count,older files will be deleted permanently.

4 - Forward Payload

Forward Payload sends the payload from a source field to destination field.
Supports only for the Field resource.

  • Navigate to Operations >> Forward Payload
  • Click on Add button
Form View
  • On the Source Field and Destination Field type Field ID, displays matching ids as a dropdown. forward payload
id: forward_water_level # (1)
description: Sends tank water level to display node # (2)
enabled: true # (3)
srcFieldId: field:mysensor.1.1.V_VOLUME # (4)
dstFieldId: field:mysensor.13.1.V_VOLUME # (5)
  1. id - should be unique across forward payload
  2. description of the entity
  3. enable - enable/disable this entry
  4. srcFieldId - source field id
  5. dstFieldId - destination field id

5 - Load Variables

Load Variables is a sub configuration in a Task or in a Schedule.
You can load any number of variables for the further operations.

Form View

load variables

  • Variable Name is used a internal reference for further operations. should be unique.
  • Add new variable click + icon
  • To delete a variable click - icon
  • By clicking edit icon of a value, can offer to select different data types.

In YAML view, the data is encoded with base64 format to avoid syntax issues.

  water_level: >-
  motor_status: >-

Data Types

Following data types are supported in Load Variables.


String is static type. It assigns the given value to that variable.

Resource By QuickID

Resource can be selected by their QuickID.

Form View

load variable by quick id

  • Select a Resource Type
  • enter the id of the resource, you will get a list of matching resources. Select a resource.
  • On the Selector field enter the exact path to get value. See Selector Guide
type: resource_by_quick_id
  resourceType: field
  quickId: tasmota.tasmota_0B8E60.Control.POWER
  selector: current.value

Resource By Labels

Resource can be selected by their Labels.

Form View

load variable by quick id

  • Select a Resource Type
  • enter key value of a label. enter as many labels you want.
  • On the Selector field enter the exact path to get value. See Selector Guide
type: resource_by_labels
  resourceType: field
    location: hall
  selector: current.value


Selector is dot(.) separated path used to select a value on the given resource.
If the path not found returns empty value.
To make the path, you should know the supported keys on a resource.

To know more about supported keys of a resource,

  • go to that particular resource details page
  • click on edit
  • select the YAML View.

Some of the references

Resource - Field

  • current.value - current value
  • current.timestamp - current value received timestamp
  • noChangeSince - There is no change on the received value from this time
  • previous.value - previous value
  • previous.timestamp - previous value received timestamp

Resource - Gateway

  • state.status - status of the gateway. can be up, down, error, etc.,
  • enabled - enabled or disabled

6 - Parameters to Handler

Parameters used to send a configuration to handlers.
Based on the the given configuration(via parameter) handler reacts

Form View

parameters to handler

Parameter has two fields,

  • to add new parameter click + icon
  • to remove a parameter click - icon
  • Name of the field should be unique. There is no special meaning for the name. use it as your reference.
  • Value - value can be one of the type mentioned here. To update a value click on edit icon

In YAML view, the data is encoded with base64 format to avoid syntax issues.

  run_backup: >-
  turn_on_light: >-

Parameter Types

Parameter types are based on the supported handlers.

Disabled is a common field across all type of parameters.

  • a parameter can be enabled or disabled dynamically.
  • can be disabled by setting this field as true
  • default value for this field is false

Resource By Quick ID

Resource can be selected by their QuickID.

Form View

resource by quick id

  • Select a Resource Type
  • enter the id of the resource, you will get a list of matching resources. Select a resource.
  • on the payload update the action or value you want to set to the selected resource
  • Pre Delay is used to wait some time and perform the action. 10s - Resource handler waits 10 seconds and sets this value.
disabled: ''
type: resource_by_quick_id
  resourceType: field
  quickId: tasmota.tasmota_887421.Control.POWER
  payload: 'on'
  preDelay: 10s

Resource By Labels

  • This is exactly same as Resource By Quick ID.
  • The only different is, selecting resources by Labels
  • When filtering with labels it possible to get more than on resource.
  • Particular action will be applied to all the resources filter by labels.
Form View

resource by labels

disabled: ''
type: resource_by_labels
  resourceType: field
    group: lights
  payload: 'on'
  preDelay: 0s




  • All the fields in email parameter is optional.
  • If non of the fields entered here, taking all the fields from the Email Handler
  • The field enter here is taken, for empty values updates from the Email Handler
Form View

resource by quick id

disabled: ''
type: email
  subject: 'Alert: Overheat detected on CPU'
  body: |-
    Alert: Overheat detected on CPU.
    Check the status of the CPU Fan.    


  • other than the Text all the fields are optional
  • empty values are taken from Telegram Handler
  • telegram supports different Text parse modes, Text, Markdown, Markdown V2, HTML.
Form View

resource by quick id

disabled: ''
type: telegram
    - '20000000'
    - '-4000000'
  parseMode: Text
  text: |-
    Alert: Overheat detected on CPU.
    Check the status of the CPU Fan.    


Backup parameter used to execute a backup via a schedule or from a task.

  • Other than the Provider and Retention Count, all other inputs are optional
  • empty values are taken from the Backup Handler
  • If you enter Retention Count as 0, the value will be taken from the Backup Handler
Form View

resource by quick id

disabled: ''
type: backup
  providerType: disk
    storageExportType: yaml
    targetDirectory: /mc_home/backups
    prefix: scheduled
    retentionCount: 10

7 - Notify Handlers

Handlers should be created prior to this section. Follow Handlers Guide to create a handler.

Notify handlers holds a list of handler ids. Sends all the parameters to the specified handler services.
Based on the Parameters type a particular Handler service can filters supported type(s) and executes it.

Form View

notify handlers

  • Click + icon to add new handler id
  • Click - icon to delete a handler id
  - telegram_home_group
  - resource_handler

8 - Javascript


9 - Webhook


10 - Template