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Prerequisites to setup MyController server

Installation 2.x can be installed in different way.

To know more about server setup follow this guide

1 - Quick Installation

You can install MyController in two different ways. You can either go with container image or executable binary.

1.1 - Install with container image

Install on Linux - Docker

Steps to install on your linux machine with docker

  • create directory for MyController server data and other usages
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home/secure_share
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home/insecure_share
  • copy mycontroller.yaml file
    cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
    curl \
      --output mycontroller.yaml

Update mycontroller.yaml file

  • IMPORTANT: update your secret on the mycontroller.yaml file. DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT SECRET

  • secret can between 1 to 32 characters length

  • This secret used to encrypt your third party password, tokens used on this server

    secret: 5a2f6ff25b0025aeae12ae096363b51a # !!! WARNING: CHANGE THIS SECRET !!!
  • Update influx_database configuration as follows in your mycontroller.yaml

    • prior to this step, influxdb should be installed and running with a database called mycontroller in influxdb
    • Influxdb installation guide
    • IMPORTANT uri - must point to the influxdb host ip address
          disabled: false
          type: influxdb
          uri: # must be updated with your host ip address
          bucket_name: mycontroller
          flush_interval: 5s
  • Optional - update bus configuration as follows in your mycontroller.yaml, if you plan to use external bus

    • server should be installed and running
    • server installation guide
    • IMPORTANT server_url - must point to the server ip address.
        type: natsio
        topic_prefix: mc_communication_bus
        server_url: nats:// # must be updated with your host ip address
        insecure: false
        connection_timeout: 10s
  • Start the MyController server

    docker run --detach --name mycontroller \
      --publish 8080:8080 \
      --publish 8443:8443 \
      --publish 9443:9443 \
      --volume $PWD/mc_home:/mc_home \
      --volume $PWD/mycontroller.yaml:/app/mycontroller.yaml \
      --env TZ="Asia/Kolkata" \
      --restart unless-stopped \
  • Access MyController server Web UI

    • http://<host-ip>:8080 (example:
    • https://<host-ip>:8443 (example:

To see the logs

  • Prints all available logs
    docker logs mycontroller
  • Prints and tails the logs, to get exit do Ctrl+C
    docker logs --follow mycontroller


docker stop mycontroller


docker restart mycontroller


docker stop mycontroller
docker rm mycontroller

1.2 - Install with executable binary

Install on Linux - Executable Binary

Steps to install the executable binary on your linux machine

Download Options

Choose the right executable bundle

Download the executable bundle that matches to your operating system architecture


  • linux-arm - 32 bit ARM Linux
  • linux-arm64 - 64 bit ARM Linux
  • linux-386 - 32 bit Linux
  • linux-amd64 - 64 bit Linux
  • windows-386 - 32 bit Windows
  • windows-amd64 - 64 bit Windows


  • create a directories to keep MyController server data and executable
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home  # directory to hold data
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/executable # directory to hold executable
    # create directories to keep image files to show it MyController dashboard
    # Example, camera stream image
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home/secure_share
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home/insecure_share
    # download the bundle and extract on executable directory
    cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
    tar xzf mycontroller-server-2.0.0-linux-arm.tar.gz  --strip-components=1 --directory /opt/apps/mycontroller/executable
  • now we have isolated MyController server data and executables, the expected result will be as follows,
  • NOTE: still, we have to keep the configuration file (mycontroller.yaml) file on the executable directory
    $ ls /opt/apps/mycontroller/mc_home  # MyController server data location
    insecure_share  secure_share
    $ ls /opt/apps/mycontroller/executable # MyController server executable location
    LICENSE.txt  logs  mycontroller-server  mycontroller.yaml  README.txt  web_console

Update mycontroller.yaml file

  • IMPORTANT: update your secret on the mycontroller.yaml file. DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT SECRET

  • secret can between 1 to 32 characters length

  • This secret used to encrypt your third party password, tokens used on this server

    secret: 5a2f6ff25b0025aeae12ae096363b51a # !!! WARNING: CHANGE THIS SECRET !!!
  • update influxdb configuration as follows in your mycontroller.yaml

    • prior to this step, influxdb should be installed and running with a database called mycontroller in influxdb
    • Influxdb installation guide
    • IMPORTANT uri - must point to the influxdb ip address. if you have installed on the same host, you can leave it as
    • update other fields as per your influxdb setup
          disabled: false
          type: influxdb
          uri: # must be updated with your host ip address
          bucket_name: mycontroller
          flush_interval: 5s
  • if you plan to use https with ACME(Letsencrypt) follow the detailed guide

  • Optional - if you plan to use external bus, update bus configuration as follows in your mycontroller.yaml

    • server should be installed and running
    • server installation guide
    • IMPORTANT server_url - must point to the server ip address. if you have installed on the same host, leave it as
        type: natsio
        topic_prefix: mc_server
        server_url: nats:// # must be updated with your host ip address
        insecure: false
        connection_timeout: 10s
  • Start the MyController server

    cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
    executable/ start
  • Access MyController server Web UI

    • http: http://<host-ip>:8080 (example:
    • https: https://<host-ip>:8443 (example:

To see the logs

  • MyController log file is placed in the executable directory
    cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
    cat executable/logs/mycontroller.log
  • Prints and tails the logs, to get exit do Ctrl+C
    cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
    tail --follow executable/logs/mycontroller.log


cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
executable/ stop


cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
executable/ stop
executable/ start

Uninstall from your system

cd /opt/apps/mycontroller
executable/ stop
rm /opt/apps/mycontroller/executable --recursive --force

2 - Advanced Installation


2.1 - Backend Configuration

MyController backend configurations are loaded at the time of startup.
Configurations should be in the YAML file format.
Samples are available in the source code repository


secret: 5a2f6ff25b0025aeae12ae096363b51a # (1)

analytics: # (2)
  enabled: true 

web: # (3)
  web_directory: /ui
  enable_profiling: false
  read_timeout: 60s
    enabled: true 
    bind_address: ""
    port: 8080
    enabled: false
    bind_address: ""
    port: 8443
    cert_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_ssl
    enabled: false
    bind_address: ""
    port: 9443
    cache_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_acme
    domains: [""]

logger: # (4)
  mode: record_all
  encoding: console
    core: info
    web_handler: info
    storage: info
    metric: warn

directories: # (5)
  data: /mc_home/data
  logs: /mc_home/logs
  tmp: /mc_home/tmp
  secure_share: /mc_home/secure_share
  insecure_share: /mc_home/insecure_share

bus: # (6)
  type: natsio
  topic_prefix: mc_production
  server_url: nats://
  insecure: false
  connection_timeout: 10s

gateway: # (7)
  disabled: false
  types: []
  ids: []
    location: server

handler: # (8)
  disabled: false
  types: []
  ids: []
    location: server

database: # (9)
    type: memory
    dump_enabled: true
    dump_interval: 10m
    dump_dir: "memory_db"
    dump_format: ["yaml"] # options: yaml, json
    load_format: "yaml"

    disabled: true
    type: influxdb
    bucket_name: mycontroller
    flush_interval: 5s
  1. secret is used to encrypt the password, token and other sensitive details in gateways, handlers, etc., and keep encrypted data in the storage database.
    At later point if you change the secret you have update manually the existing passwords and tokens if any
    Uses AES-256 encryption then base64 encoding
  2. analytics if enabled, reports anonymous statics to MyController analytics collector
  3. web holds the web configurations
  4. logger - controls the logs level of a different components.
  5. directories - points to custom locations.
  6. bus - message bus configurations, will be used for internal communications.
  7. gateway - filters to load gateways to this instance.
  8. handler - filters to load handlers to this instance.
  9. database - defines storage and metric configuration details

Web Configuration

  web_directory: /ui # (1)
  documentation_url: # (2)
  enable_profiling: false # (3)
  http: # (4)
    enabled: true 
    bind_address: ""
    port: 8080
  https_ssl: # (5)
    enabled: false
    bind_address: ""
    port: 8443
    cert_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_ssl
  https_acme: # (6)
    enabled: false
    bind_address: ""
    port: 9443
    cache_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_acme
    domains: [""]
  1. web_directory - production build of Web Console
  2. documentation_url - if you are in a private environment and want to keep the document server locally. Add your documentation server url.
    In MyController server default documentation url will be replaced with this url.
  3. enable_profiling - enables GoLang profiling on the http handler at /debug/pprof/
  4. http - HTTP handler
  5. https_ssl - HTTPS SSL handler
  6. https_acme - HTTPS ACME handler

HTTP handler

HTTP handler serves the web console and api as un-encrypted.
This setup can be used in a trusted network.

  enabled: true # (1)
  bind_address: "" # (2)
  port: 8080 # (3)
  1. enabled - can enable or disable the http handler. if no values supplied, will be treated as disabled
  2. bind_address - IP address to bind, - binds to all the available network interfaces.
  3. port - listening port number

HTTPS SSL handler

HTTPS SSL handler serves the web console and api as encrypted.
You can use self signed certificate or CA signed certificate.
You can use this handler to access the web console on the untrusted networks

  enabled: false # (1)
  bind_address: "" # (2)
  port: 8443 # (3)
  cert_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_ssl # (4)
  1. enabled - can enable or disable the https ssl handler. if no values supplied, will be treated as disabled
  2. bind_address - IP address to bind, - binds to all the available network interfaces.
  3. port - listening port number
  4. cert_dir - certificate and key files location.

https_ssl operates in two modes.

Generate the certificates automatically

If there is no custom.crt and custom.key found on the cert_dir location MyController generates a crt and key files and stores on cert_dir location. Auto generated file names will as mc_generated.crt and mc_generated.key.

Auto generated certificate details:

  • RSA Bits - 2048
  • Organization name -
  • Validity - 365 days

If you want to change these details, you have to generate a certificate manually as mentioned in Custom certificate

Custom certificate

If you want to use your custom certificates, you have to place your files on the cert_dir location. The name of the files must be as custom.crt and custom.key

To generate self signed certificate there are multiple options available. Here is a quick sample,

openssl genrsa -out custom.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key custom.key -out custom.crt -days 365

HTTPS ACME handler

Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) is a standard protocol for automating domain validation, installation, and management of X.509 certificates.
Letsencrypt is popular free certificate provider.

This handler can take care of the life cycle of the certificate. That is to get the certificate first time and subsequence renewals.

  • The default ACME directory url will be pointing to letsencrypt,
  • The certificates will be renewed 30 days prior to expiration
  • ACME challenge will be verified using tls-alpn-01. Extra port is not required. To know more about tls-alpn-01 visit Letsencrypt guide
  • You have to configure port forward to the https_acme port. This port should be reachable on public ip of 443 port. acme challenge will be verified only on 443 port.
  enabled: false # (1)
  bind_address: "" # (2)
  port: 9443 # (3)
  cache_dir: /mc_home/certs/https_acme # (4)
  acme_directory: # (5)
  email: # (6)
  domains: [""] # (7)
  1. enabled - can enable or disable the https acme handler. if no values supplied, will be treated as disabled
  2. bind_address - IP address to bind, - binds to all the available network interfaces.
  3. port - listening port number
  4. cache_dir - certificate and related files received from the provider will be stored on this directory.
  5. acme_directory - ACME provider directory url, if you leave it blank the default will be
  6. email - email address used to get the certificate from the provide
  7. domains - You can have single or multiple domains


  mode: record_all # (1)
  encoding: console # (2)
  enable_stacktrace: false # (3)
  level: # (4)
    core: info
    web_handler: info
    storage: info
    metric: warn
  1. mode - supports two modes.
    • record_all - prints the detailed information about the log fields
    • sampled - prints the restricted information about the log fields and not all the logs
  2. encoding - log encoding format
    • console - suits for console display
    • json - prints logs in json format, suits for processing with external tools
  3. enable_stacktrace - enables stack trace of the error
  4. level - restrict the log level. supported levels: debug, info, warn, error, fatal. You can restrict the log level to a specific service.
    • core - entire system log level. This is applicable for gateway service too.
    • web_handler - http handlers log level
    • storage service log level
    • metrics service log level


  data: /mc_home/data # (1)
  logs: /mc_home/logs # (2)
  tmp: /mc_home/tmp # (3)
  secure_share: /mc_home/secure_share # (4)
  insecure_share: /mc_home/insecure_share # (5)

MyController uses these directories to keep configurations, logs, and temporary files.

  1. data - keeps all configurations on this location. in-memory database, firmware, etc.,
  2. logs - keeps gateway logs and system logs
  3. tmp - used as a temporary location for MyController services
  4. secure_share - you can keep custom files on this location. This location can be accessed via MyController instance url, http://mycontroller-ip:8080/secure_share. It needs authentication. access token can be supplied via header or on the url.
  5. insecure_share - you can keep custom files on this location. This location can be accessed via MyController instance url, http://mycontroller-ip:8080/insecure_share. It is open to everyone. Authentication not required

Message Bus

  type: natsio # (1)
  topic_prefix: mc_production # (2)
  server_url: nats:// # (12)
  insecure: false # (3)
  connection_timeout: 10s # (4)
  1. type - There are two type of message bus available.
    • embedded - internal message bus. You cannot include external gateway
    • natsio - external message bus
  2. topic_prefix - A natsio message bus can be used for different applications. Based on this topics we can separate a specific MyController instance.
  3. server_url - natsio server url
  4. insecure - allow or disallow insecure connections
  5. connection_timeout - connection establishment timeout


  disabled: false # (1)
  types: [] # (2)
  ids: [] # (3)
  labels: # (4)
    location: server

We can restrict to load a specific gateway to this service.

  1. disabled - enables or disables gateway service
  2. types - filter specific gateway types
  3. ids - filtered by list of gateways id
  4. labels - filtered based on the labels. detailed guide


  disabled: false # (1)
  types: [] # (2)
  ids: [] # (3)
  labels: # (4)
    location: server

We can restrict to load a specific handler to this service.

  1. disabled - enables or disables handler service
  2. types - filter specific handler types
  3. ids - filtered by list of handlers id
  4. labels - filtered based on the labels. detailed guide


You can define you storage and metric database configurations

    # storage database configurations
    # metric database configurations

MyController needs two type of databases.

  1. Storage
  2. Metric

Storage Databases

MyController supports two type of storage databases

In Memory Database

In memory is a special database designed by MyController org. It keeps all the configuration data in the memory(RAM). Dumps all the data into the disk on a specified interval. When MyController start up, loads all the data from the disk to memory.

  • We can reduce the number of writes to disk. This can increase the life time of the disk.
  • This is very good choice for a tiny hardwares(ie: Raspberry PI with memory card as disk).
  • Memory database will be faster as the entities are in memory(RAM).
    type: memory # (1)
    dump_enabled: true # (2)
    dump_interval: 10m # (3)
    dump_dir: "memory_db" # (4)
    dump_format: ["yaml", "json"] # (5)
    load_format: "yaml" # (6)
  1. type should be memory
  2. dump_enabled - enable or disable sync to disk feature. Copies in memory entities into disk
  3. dump_interval - how long once the sync should happen.
  4. dump_dir - directory used to dump entities from memory. default: memory_db
  5. dump_format - supports yaml and/or json formats.
  6. load_format - even though you can dump entities on yaml and/or json format. at the time of startup, only one format can be used. Make sure you are using this format on the dump_format
MongoDB Database

MyController supports MongoDB local or cloud version.

type: mongodb # (1)
database: mcdb # (2)
uri: mongodb:// # (3)
  1. type should be mongodb
  2. database - name of the database in your MongoDB
  3. uri of the database. supports cloud database format too.

Metric Databases

MyController supports two type of metric databases


MyController uses InfluxDB to keep the metrics data. It can be local InfluxDB instance or can be in the cloud.
MyController supports InfluxDB 1.8.4 or above versions.

    disabled: false # (1)
    type: influxdb # (2)
    uri: # (3)
    token: # (4)
    username: # (5)
    password: # (6)
    organization_name: # (7)
    bucket_name: mc_db # (8)
    query_client_version: # (9)
    batch_size: # (10)
    flush_interval: 1s # (11)
  1. disabled if you want to disable metric database
  2. type should be influxdb
  3. uri is the database connection URI
  4. token - authentication token used in InfluxDB 2.x
  5. username - authenticate using username and password
  6. password - authenticate using username and password. If username specified password is a mandatory field.
  7. organization_name - used in InfluxDB 2.x
  8. bucket_name - In influxdb 1.x it is a database name. In influxdb 2.x it is called bucket
  9. query_client_version - MyController uses two type of query clients. It is recommended to keep it blank. MyController can choose automatically based the the database version used. However we can override the automatic selection by providing one for the option,
    • v1 - InfluxDB 1.8.x
    • v2 - InfluxDB 2.x
  10. batch_size - sends the metrics to InfluxDB when meets the batch size
  11. flush_interval - sends the metrics to InfluxDB when meets the interval
Sample of Cloud InfluxDB Configuration
    disabled: false
    type: influxdb
    token: VGhpcyBpcyBmYWtlIHRva2VuLCB0YWtlIHlvdXIgZnJvbSBNb25nb0RCIGNsb3VkCg==
    bucket_name: mc_bkt
    flush_interval: 1s

2.2 - Gateway Configuration

MyController gateway configurations are loaded at the time of startup.
Configurations should be in the YAML file format.


Refer backend configuration detailed guide to know about the configurations

# This secret should be same as given in the server configuration file.
secret: 5a2f6ff25b0025aeae12ae096363b51a

  data: /mc_home/data
  logs: /mc_home/logs
  tmp: /mc_home/tmp

  mode: record_all
  encoding: console
    core: info
    storage: info
    metric: warn

  type: natsio
  topic_prefix: mc_production
  server_url: nats://
  insecure: false
  connection_timeout: 10s

  disabled: false
  types: []
  ids: []
    location: external_gw1